A Load of Bright
An atheist's views on religion and the supernatural

An Impromptu Carnival

Even though I’ve become aware of more atheist blogs since I started this site, I’ve found myself with less and less time to actually read them. More than ever, I find myself ‘scan-reading’. In recent weeks, I’ve found that the emphasis has shifted more and more on to the ‘scanning’ rather than the ‘reading’, and I’m actually taking in and retaining very little. This has lead to me developing a guilt complex about falling behind on the blogs of those people who are kind enough to read and comment on just about every article I write.

So, this weekend, rather than researching a new article of my own, I’ve really taken the time to read other blogs and get back up to speed. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this indulgence, although it has left me lamenting the temporal drought that denies me the luxury of addressing my reading and writing quotas equally.

So, I find myself needing to write a post today, and I’ve done no research. There are plenty of articles I’ve read over the weekend that I could discuss, but I wouldn’t know what to choose, so spoilt for choice am I. In the back of my mind, I’m aware that there are two imminent, high profile carnivals that I’m due to host in the coming months. I’ve never hosted a carnival before, so I figure a trial run wouldn’t go amiss. Hence this impromptu (sort of mini) carnival; this is a collection of (some of) the best essays I’ve read from the last week or so of atheist blogging. In the absence of anything profound to say, I am referring you to my contemporaries.

Over at Atheist Revolution, Vjack explores the path we non-believers have taken since 9/11 and deals with a commonly asked question, in Atheism: Becoming a Movement.

David W, author of Atheist Self discusses a major news story in the blogosphere recently, Ken Ham’s Creation Museum, in his article Not in Kansas Anymore.

Sean at Black Sun Journal skilfully refutes an initiative from the automotive industry to down-play the problems our environment faces, with Automakers Launch PR Blitz to Halt Standards.

My new friend Playstation Girl at The Blue Linchpin is clinical in her critique of a right wing Christian chain-email, in Rape the Atheists.

Ebonmuse, at Daylight Atheism, once again shows his dedication to meticulously thorough research, with his article How Did the Apostles Die?

Exaplogist, writing at Debunking Christianity, puts on his philosophy cap to deal with the question Are Abstract Objects A Problem For Non-Theists?

Inspired by the musical talents of Fred Phelp’s Westboro Baptist Church members, Ellis14 at Evanescent takes the liberty of pointing out one or two things he would have done differently if he were the boss, in his compelling piece My God.

The Exterminator, writing at No More Hornets gives us an hilarious list of religious puzzles, with commentary and instructions for each one, in Carnival of Indoctrination.

The Spanish Inquisitor examines the roads we take to our beliefs, and how we might go about finding routes to new horizons, in his article Acceptance vs. Analysis.

There’s some great reading here, I’m sure you’ll agree. The next edition of The Impromptu Carnival will be, well, it’s hard to say. Look out for it.

8 Responses to “An Impromptu Carnival”

  1. That’s an innovative idea. Wish I’d thought of it .;)

    I nice way to introduce new blogs and good reading to those of us unfamiliar with them. I know and frequent about half of them, but the other half are all new. Thanks.

  2. Nice summary. This is helpful since, due to time constraints, I only follow two atheist blogs – Daylight, as you already know, is the other one.
    Incidentally, the only (non-atheist) one I keep up with is maintained by an interesting fellow in Brighton.

  3. I find myself in the same situation as you were in: scanning more than reading. There are so many good blogs worth reading and only so much time I can take away from my kids and my other interests. In addition to atheist/philosophical blogs, I read blogs written around writing, unschooling, knitting, and eclectic blogs. Also, blogs like yours are so well thought out and well-written, that it’s not fair to scan them. So I pick and choose now and then wallow in a real blogfest on nights when I have the time.

    Shine On,

  4. It’s only natural to scan read, even when you’re not in a hurry. I’m sure everyone more than forgives you 😛

  5. Thanks for the link and for assembling some great reading in one post. I hear you about the difficulty keeping up on all the quality atheist blogging. Without an RSS aggregator, I’d be lost. Even with it, scanning is something to which I can easily relate. Lately I have been trying to prioritize the blogs I really follow vs. those I just sort of keep up with.

  6. Ditto on scanning vs. reading. But isn’t that what we do when we flip through a magazine, or try to choose from among several potential purchases at a book store? We atheists ought to be mighty impressed with ourselves that there’s so much interesting reading to choose from.

    Naturally, I always hope readers will linger over every verbal jewel that I mine from my keyboard, but I’m happy when they even put my blog on their scanning list. To be honest, there are quite a few worthy sites I don’t even have time to scan.

    By the way, thanks for including me among your list of worthies.

  7. @ Span Inq

    Thanks! When I skive, I try to do it in an innovative way 🙂

    @ Polly,

    Would you mind sending me the link for the Brighton chap?

    @ Lil,

    Thanks for your kind words! Wow, I struggle enough keeping up with atheist blogs, the thought of reading other topics is scary! 🙂

    @ Playstationg Girl,

    Thanks 🙂 I think we do have a tendancy to scan, but I really try not to. The other unfortunate thing for me, is that I’m not a particularly quick reader naturally. I read in my head at about the same pace I’d read out loud to someone else.

    @ Vjack

    No problem. Thanks for introducing me to aggregators, I don’t know what I would have done without it! I’ve always prioritised a select few, but I try to keep up with as many as I can. If I won the lottery and didn’t have to work, I’d probably do little else (buying a ticket would probably help).

    @ The Exterminator

    Very good point about the quality – we should be proud. And no problem, more than worthy! 🙂

  8. Would you mind sending me the link for the Brighton chap?

    Sure, as I mentioned it’s a different topic. Simon Agar’s site is about languages and world writing systems:

    Main site: http://www.omniglot.com/

    I just put it out there in case you’re in the same neighborhood.

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