A Load of Bright
An atheist's views on religion and the supernatural

My Recommended Reading

I’ve always been fascinated by de-conversion stories. I couldn’t even estimate how many I’ve read, I really can’t get enough of them. I’ve always pestered my friend Ellis14 (author of Evanescent), who was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness to write his, but he’s always been reluctant. He has now finally written it, and as soon as I read it, I realised why he’d put it off for so long. As close as we are, even I didn’t appreciate the turmoil he endured. I strongly recommend reading this, it is one of the most touching, moving deconversion stories I have ever read, and not simply because I know the writer personally. On a personal level, it filled in a missing part of my own narrative, as he went on to play a major role in my own, less dramatic deconversion. It is an inspirational tale of victory for the truth over lies, and free thought over dogma. It is worth the time to read it, and the rest.

13 Responses to “My Recommended Reading”

  1. I read his story. It sounds like he dabbled in hypnosis (which I find morally neutral) and in Magic Cards and went home and had a nervous breakdown.
    Not much of a conversion story to me – I hope he has recovered!

  2. He has, which you would know if you had actually read it.

  3. John P.
    Lighten up. I don’t trust people’s conversions that happen during a trauma.

  4. Snarky posts do attract snarky responses. Consider me lighter.

  5. I don’t trust people’s conversions that happen during a trauma.

    Well, you should trust (or distrust) their reasons, not their conversion. But in this case, it looks like the trauma was caused by the deconversion, rather than the other way around, so I think you’re being a bit unfair.

  6. Wasn’t Paul’s little conversion on the road to Damascus a bit traumatic? IIRC, he became blind. Sounds kind of untrustworthy, if you ask me.

    I always thought there was something fishy about that.

    Sorry. I crack me up.

  7. Geno: “I don’t trust people’s conversions that happen during a trauma.”

    You first comment and now this, show that you have no understanding of what I wrote. As other people have pointed out, and as you would have realised if you’d read it, it was the initial de-conversion that caused me distress.

    I was fine before it (emotionally), and I’m even better now (in every way), probably because I don’t believe in your invisible best-friend-in-the-sky fairy who you can talk to when you get lonely.

  8. John: You crack me up, too.

  9. @ Geno,

    I read his story. It sounds like he dabbled in hypnosis (which I find morally neutral) and in Magic Cards and went home and had a nervous breakdown.
    Not much of a conversion story to me – I hope he has recovered!

    All you have done here is shown that your lack of grace is matched only by your ignorance. This was in poor taste, and had an atheist left a similar comment on a Christian blog about someone who had gone through a traumatic conversion to Christianity, I’m sure that you would see it a different way.

    Lighten up. I don’t trust people’s conversions that happen during a trauma.

    We are all light (even bright) enough here, Geno, when it is appropriate to the topic. Whether you agree with us or not, you should appreciate the gravity of the point we’re discussing. To make such a snide, sarcastic and spiteful comment doesn’t just show a lack of compassion, it shows a lack of class. There are plenty of Christians who have visited this site and conducted themselves with intelligence and good grace. You’ve let your side down.

  10. I found this site as a result of evanescents. Very nice and another site I am going to have to backread, and his story is very good, anyone who knows about JW’s and how much they are indoctrined would appreciate it.

    Geno’s responses have no merit and if he really was Christian he wouldn’t be such an ass.

  11. cragar,
    Thanks for showing how nice an atheist can be! But I guess that is what I expect as I project a differing view.

  12. My response was more to your responses on evanescence’s site than here-with you following him around. I don’t know what religion you are but I bet when ellis14 was in the Truth he could talk circles around most other religions and even arguing with athiests, which I know first hand having to have done it numerous times. Ellis14 doesn’t need my help he handled you pretty good over there I just think it’s funny how you are following him around and then you comment on an atheist site and expect everyone to play nice.

    tobe38–sorry to hijack your post.

  13. @ Cragar

    I found this site as a result of evanescents. Very nice and another site I am going to have to backread,


    Thanks, and welcome!

    tobe38–sorry to hijack your post.

    Not at all. 🙂

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